The Crow’s Nest Institute
Pictured above: The Colony Hotel, location of The Crow’s Nest Institute, Kennebunkport, Maine.
Pictured above:
2022 Crow’s Nest participants.
Plan to join us in Kennebunkport June 26 - 28 2023 for the 23rd annual Crow’s Nest Institute.
The annual Crow’s Nest Institute is the nation’s premier forum for experienced senior enrollment officers. For the past twenty-two years hundreds of independent school admission leaders who have attended the Crow’s Nest to learn and grow, have returned to their schools with a stronger understanding of leadership and management, and with critical insights necessary to develop short- and long-term strategies to sustain school enrollment.
The institute’s location in the oceanfront village of Kennebunkport, ME offers an ideal setting to refresh one’s perspective and connect with a talented and experienced network of other senior enrollment professionals.
Because enrollment is the key component to sustainability of independent schools, it is critical that admission directors hone their leadership skills and educate themselves and others on campus about shifts in the education landscape and the increased affordability challenges for families, and the impact these are having on admissions and future enrollment.
“Scanning the Horizon” sessions at Crow’s Nest go beyond just presenting market challenges; we include engaging discussions that will inspire participants to think more creatively, more energetically, and more intentionally about their school’s response to such challenges.
The Institute also focuses on professional and personal development in the opening “Tending to Your Inner Captain” session, when we invite directors to gauge their personal and professional successes and challenges, and to develop wisdom, understanding, and appreciation of their own uniqueness, special talents, and future potential. In addition to developing a deeper connection with one’s true leadership role, participants consider and retool their own admission and enrollment management skill set during the Institute’s “Refining Your Charted Course” sessions.
Crow’s Nest is scheduled intentionally after the end of the school year and before the dog days of summer — a perfect time for reflection, analysis, and visionary thinking. Energy builds throughout the three days as speakers and ensuing discussions spark lively and thoughtful conversations. Each participant leaves Crow’s Nest with an infusion of energy, and with an expanded network of close colleagues from across the country and beyond.
Mark your calendar
Join us for the 23rd Crow’s Nest Institute in Kennebunkport, ME on June 26 - 28, 2023.
Email us at for more information.
The 2023
Crow’s Nest Institute will be held
June 26 - 28.
The premier event for directors
The Crow’s Nest Institute received a 4.9/5 overall from participants. Here’s what 2022 attendees had to say:
I’m not sure when I’ve last been so inspired and encouraged professionally (and therefore personally)! It was truly empowering to be in the company of so many seasoned enrollment professionals and new mentors and friends. There was a heartfelt spirit and energy, and I feel rejuvenated and cared for in ways I haven't in some time.
I never want to miss Crow’s Nest. The faculty and my colleagues give me a reality check in my work, give me confidence to encourage me to stretch and grow while reminding me of the students at the heart of our work.
I have learned how to expand so much of what I know and how to make meaning of it with others at school.
SO enriching. Loved it! Especially enjoyed the mix of the group and the social activities.
The format is the best- love the location and the attendees and program- just an amazing collegial setting to network and get support.
This was the best PD program I have attended, with the highest quality people and experts in the field.
Thank you for “seeing” me and the value I bring to the profession. Thank you also for modeling inclusion and empowerment.